
Anisha H.



I took this at a Black Lives Matter protest I attended at the LAPD headquarters in July 2016. Those years I was just starting to explore what my identity as a Asian American activist looked like and starting to have conversations with friends and family about anti-Blackness. The week prior the nation had witnessed the police killings of two Black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and the community members were angry, grieving, and demanding accountability and justice. That day, the LA Police Commission ruled that the 2015 police killing of Redel Jones, a Black woman, in South LA was within department policy. I attended to show my solidarity, to show that this was not just an issue that concerned the Black community but all of our communities, and came across this sign that brought tears to my eyes. Asians for Black Lives was a burgeoning concept and I felt like this sign reflected our rich history of activism, resistance and solidarity, it made me feel seen, and it was a powerful reminder and reflection of my commitment to Black liberation.